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The banking sector is constantly evolving. New technologies, regulatory changes and the emergence of new competitors are forcing banks to modernise their information systems.
Banking management software solutions play a key role in this transformation. They enable banks to streamline their processes, improve their operational efficiency and offer more innovative services to their customers.

Integral Banking Information System (IBIS)

The IBIS integrated banking management software package is an ERP that processes all the operations of banks and financial institutions as practised in French-speaking African countries. It was designed since 1991 by a team of seasoned IT specialists under the technical guidance of eminent bankers.
The result of more than three decades of research and development, IBIS is now used by some fifty banks and financial institutions. It comprises more than four thousand (4000) tasks grouped into one hundred (100) thematic modules that can be interfaced with all Core Systems.

Areas of interest


Applications Group managing in a single place Security and the general parameters common to all the software modules. It also lays the foundations for general and auxiliary accounting.

 Commercial management

A group of applications that enable customers to be managed more efficiently, offering them a faster and more accurate service.

 Agency Operations

Group of Applications for managing and controlling operations linked to the agency's activity. Depending on your needs, this module can be used as a standard or customised module.

 Treasury management

Group of applications essential to end-to-end cash management. It provides real-time reporting and analysis of sensitive operational data.

 Customer commitments

A group of applications used to evaluate on- and off-balance sheet customer commitments, including credit lines, guarantees, securities and other contingent liabilities.


Applications group producing regulatory reports required by the authorities.

 General resources

Applications Group for managing the bank as a business.

 Open banking

Group of applications and services that enable banks and fintechs to access customer banking data via APIs within a regulatory framework.


Interbank exchange management applications group.

 Counterparty rating

Group of applications used to assess credit risk.

 Guarantee fund

Group of Applications used to manage the execution phases of guarantee funds.

 Real estate & market

Group of applications for the automated management of property projects and contracts.

 Leasing & Factoring

Group of applications enabling financial institutions to manage their customers' leasing and factoring operations.

Competitive advantages


Data protection;
Securing user access and rights;
Profiles & authorisations;


Multi-SGBD (SQL Server & Oracle);
Multi-zone (WAEMU, CEMAC and others);
Multi-OS (Windows & Unix);
Open and heterogeneous, based on software prototyping, testing and monitoring tools.

Design & development

Highly customisable;
Ergonomic design.


Developed by experienced, 100% local skills;
Strict compliance with the instructions of the regulatory authorities;
Wide functional coverage;
Improved ERP for the production and consolidation of banking groups' regulatory declarations to the Monetary Authorities.


High system availability;
Very short batch processing times;
Local services guaranteed;
Real-time operations.


Paperless for the environment;
Easy to interface with other core banking systems;
Not requiring much in the way of technical staff and specialised equipment;
Easy scalability thanks to its modularity.